ConTrust International Workshop (Working Group 5) December 2-3, 2022

The two-day event convened by Johannes Voelz and Pavan Malreddy “The Affective Logic of Populism: Trust, Distrust, and the Productivity of Conflict” will take place at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Bad Homburg, December 2-3, 2022. In order to participate you need to please register. To do so click here. The registration deadline is November 18, 2022. […]
MCTE Welcome Event 21.10.22

New Course Added to MCTE Syllabus for the Winter Term 2022/23
The course “Transcultural Ecocriticism: Moving Cultures in Times of Ecological Crisis”, taught by Dr. Kathrin Bartha-Mitchell, has been included in the MCTE syllabus for the winter term 2022/23. You can find all information about this course here.
NELK Congratulates Stefanie Kemmerer, the winner of GAPS Graduate Award

Stefanie Kemmerer, an Alumni of the Moving Cultures Masters programme, is the winner of 2022 GAPS (German Asocciation of Anglophone Postcolonial Studies) Graduate Award for her Masters thesis titled “Yogascapes: The Visual Politics of Transcultural Yoga as seen on Instagram“ (supervised by Dr. Pavan Malreddy & Prof. Dr. Schulze-Engler). Both NELK and MCTE proudly celebrate […]