Moving Cultures, Transcultural Encounters

// Moving Cultures – Transcultural Encounters // Culturas en movimiento – encuentros transculturales // Cultures en mouvement – rencontres transculturelles // Culture in Movimento – Incontri Transculturali // Moving Cultures – Transcultural Encounters // Culturas en movimiento – encuentros transculturales // Cultures en mouvement – rencontres transculturelles // Culture in Movimento – Incontri Transculturali //

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A Master’s programme offered by the Faculty of Modern Languages of




Dr. Pavan Malreddy / Prof. Dr. Frank Schulze-Engler
Department of English and American Studies
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main
To make an appointment:
Phone: 069/798-32352

Prof. Dr. Jacopo Torregrossa
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main
To make an appointment:
Phone: 069/798-32021

Memory Studies Association Event: Indian Network for Memory Studies Launch Event

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 | 12.30 CEST | 16.00 IST | Online Participating: Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director, IIT Madras Prof. Raghunathan Rengaswamy, Dean (Global Engagement), IIT Madras Mr. Rajendra Prasad Narla, Chief Archivist, Tata Central Archives Prof. Astrid Erll, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Director, Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform Dr. Hanna Teichler, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Co-Director, Frankfurt […]

NELK Research Colloquium Guest Lecture: Sourit Bhattacharya

Sourit Bhattacharya (Glasgow) Operation Genocide: Civil War and Postcolonial Literature Thursday, June 10, 2021 | 6-8 pm, c.t. | ZOOM link Frantz Fanon famously argued (1967) that colonialism was marked by an unprecedented use of violence on the minds and bodies of the colonised people. Postcolonial societies have further witnessed widespread violence and trauma in […]

New Frontiers in Memory Studies: Lecture by Tea Sindbæk Andersen and Jessica Ortner

Tea Sindbæk Andersen and Jessica Ortner (University of Copenhagen) Mnemonic Migration – Transcultural Circulation and Reception of Post-Yugoslav War Time Memories Tuesday 08 June | 6 pm | online via Zoom | click here to register The idea that mnemonic media have the capability to make recipients adopt other people’s memories is central to memory […]

New Frontiers in Memory Studies: Lecture by Magdalena Zolkos

Magdalena Zolkos (Goethe University Frankfurt) Cultural Heritage Repatriation in the Post-colonial Arctic: Materiality, Memory, Assemblage Friday 28 May | 4 pm | online screening | click here to register Recent struggles for repatriation of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge to their indigenous custodians have thrown into relief the question of affordance and potentialities of material […]

Guest lecture by Nadia Butt

‘Travelling Cultures’:  Reading Nineteenth-Century British Narratives about Movement and Mobility Do., 30.11.2017, 18:00 –IG 4.201 In the last years, the idea of ‘travelling cultures’, particularly expounded by American anthropologist James Clifford, has captured the imagination of a significant number of historians, philosophers, anthropologists, cultural and literary studies scholars who are actively engaged with it. Indeed, […]

Guest lecture by Laura Marcus

Rhythmical Subjects and Modern Utopias Do., 30.11.2017, 18:00 – Nebengebäude 2.731 This paper explores the intense focus on and fascination with questions of ‘rhythm’ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the development of ‘rhythmics’ and ‘rhythm-science’ in the period.  One significant dimension of this ‘rhythmic turn’ was found in developments in dance […]

Guest Lecture by Ranjan Ghosh

In Transition: The Aesthetics and Politics of the ‘Across Factor’ Thursday, 26 October 2017, 6pm – Casino 1.812 Over the last decade, I have invested myself in framing critical departures and discriminative correspondences between disciplines, across the humanities and sciences, training myself in poetics and philosophy across cultures both European and non-European. This sustained investment […]

Guest Lecture by Galvan-Alvarez

Sovereignty On Camera: Documentary, Performance and War in Syria   As the Syrian revolution, which began as a peaceful grassroots movement, became militarised in 2012, the Syrian government started losing ground in different parts of the country. From the early days, these ‘liberated areas’ became experimental spaces of difference where new forms of governance were […]

Guest Lecture by Roman Bartosch

Towards Transcultural Ecology: Learning | Reading The ‘New World Literature’. The ‘Anthropocene’. Two of the most recent and most vitally flourishing critical concepts currently discussed in literary studies seem to demand a move towards a planetary scale. Not only may this move conflict with traditional tenets of poetics and interpretation because, as Dominic Head says, […]

AFRASO Lecture and Film Screening by Shihan de Silva

Indian Ocean Memories and African Migrants 13 June 2017, 12:00 c. t., Casino 1.801 – We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming AFRASO Film Screening and Lecture in cooperation with the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform: “Indian Ocean Memories and African Migrants” by Shihan de Silva (University of London). More information here …