Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Ananya Jahanara Kabir, FBA (King’s College): “Transoceanic Belonging: Activating Memories of Portuguese Presence in Goa” | 6 June 2024
Thursday 6 June 2024, 6-8pm, Cas 1.801 (Renate von Metzler-Saal), Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt, This lecture is part of the Forum of Global Anglophone Literatures and Cultures This lecture will explore how the memory of Portuguese presence in Goa has been recollected by authors of Goan heritage representing different generations — e.g. Lambert Mascarenhas’ […]
TraCe Event: “Rethinking Cosmopolitan Memory in Post-Colonial Contexts” | An international and interdisciplinary Roundtable
Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 6 pm (18:00 s.t.) Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Casino, Room 1.811 The increasing globalization of collective memories has been at the centre of debates within the interdisciplinary field of Memory Studies for more than two decades. In the early 2000s, Daniel Levy’s and Natan Sznaider’s book The Holocaust and Memory […]
TraCe Book Talk on May 2: Anoma Pieris on Decolonial Memorialisation and Intersectional Sovereignty
Thursday, 2 May 2024, 3-6pm Campus Westend, Casino, Room 1.811 In this talk, Professor Anoma Pieris discusses the design, intellectual framing for and methodological approach to her most recent publication, The Architecture of Confinement: Incarceration Camps of the Pacific War (Cambridge University Press 2022), co-authored with Japanese-American scholar Lynne Horiuchi. The book takes the arc of the Pacific Basin and incarceration […]
Read the Room: Environmental Humanities Slow Reading Group
Bi-weekly meetings, starting Tuesday 23 April, 4pm | Room SH 0.109 Dr. Kathrin Bartha-Mitchell and Clara Hebel (M.A.) are running an Environmental Humanities slow reading group on Astrida Neimanis’ Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology this summer term. What it is The format of this group follows the principles of slow, emergent, and collective scholarship. We want to try […]
Sweet Tassa: Music of the Indian Caribbean Diaspora (2019) | Film Screening, Tuesday 14 November, 6pm | SH 2.105
Tuesday 14 November, 6pm, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend, Max-Horkheimer-Str. 4) Am 14. November wird Christopher L. Ballengee seine Dokumentation Sweet Tassa: Music of the Indian Caribbean Diaspora über Musik, Politik und Zugehörigkeit in Trinidad und Tobago am Institut für Musikwissenschaft vorführen. Der Regisseur und Musikethnologe wird eine Einführung geben und nach dem Film für Diskussion und […]
Terra Estrangeira (1996) | Film Screening, Thursday 9 November, 6pm | SH 3.107
Thursday 9 November, 6pm, SH 3.107 Original Portuguese Version with English Subtitles Terra Estrangeira: Cinematographic Constructions of Lisbon from the Perspective ofMigrationDuring Bolsonaro’s presidency (2019-22), many Brazilians migrated to Europe. This heavymigration movement was preceded by the one in 1990 (Plano Collor) and the one around 1999(devaluation of the real / “efeito samba”). Many Brazilians […]
NELK Literary Workshop: Guest Lecture and Reading with Tanaka Chidora
Tanaka Chidora (Zimbabwe; currently Humboldt Fellow at Goethe University) And Now the Poets Do Not Speak: The Politics of Representation in Zimbabwean Writing, 1957–2023 Thursday, Feb 2, 2023 6-8 pm | Room 1.812 Campus Westend, Casino Building In this talk, Tanaka Chidora analyses the politics of representation in Zimbabwean literature, particularly exploring the policing of […]
NELK Literary Workshop: Guest Lecture and Reading with Remi Raji
Remi Raji (University of Ibadan, Nigeria) An Album of Anglophone Nigerian Poetry, 1952-2022: A Harvest of Traditions, Talents and Trends Thursday, Jan 19, 2023 6-8 pm | Room CAS 1.812 Campus Westend, Casino Building This presentation is a panoptic survey of seven decades of contemporary Nigerian poetry written in English. It is a general discourse […]
MCTE Meeting Holiday Edition 14.12.22

The Global Office Invites to the International Week (07.-10.11.22)
The Global Office invites students to the yearly international week, which takes place virtually from Monday, 7 to Thursday, 10 November 2022. In numerous events, the Global Office, other departments of Goethe University as well as external organisers will present diverse opportunities for a stay abroad during your studies. In addition, former exchange students will […]